As a species, humans have often survived adversities through their ability to adapt.

So what is technology and where does it fit in? An ancient Chinese proverb says, “When the winds of change blow, some people build walls and others build windmills“. According to Google Trends, the search for what is technology and the use of the word “Technology” has really grown in popularity since the 1950s. Technology can be considered to be anything created, not-naturally occurring that improves a process, outcome or understanding.

Preparing for a new normal as we imagine a post-pandemic world, among the ever changing new tech landscape, is a list of five technologies that have become essential during the lockdown.

Emergency Health Equipment 

Ventilators being essential to persons affected by the Coronavirus, there have been efforts world-over to develop low-cost and portable versions. Isinnova, an Italian firm, for instance, has developed ventilators based on snorkeling masks, with 3D printed adaptors.

Robotics and Drones 

Repurposing robots and drones are aiding the fight against the Coronavirus. From using robots for dispensing sanitizer, or using UV ray-based disinfection for public spaces, to the use of drones to facilitate contactless delivery and even disinfection.

Virtual Entertainment 

The virtual world has come to our rescue as we are restricted to the safety of our homes. This has allowed us various experiences, from attending music concerts and shows on Instagram or Facebook, to museums for instance, via Google’s Art and Culture now available to be explored online. Webinars and distance learning has exploded into our lives.

Contact-less Technology 

Covid-19 has stirred innovation for minimizing contact, and one very practical example for this can be found in the case of the use of foot pedals instead of switches in elevators, as seen in Seacon Square, a mall in Bangkok, Thailand. It is such a simple, yet effective innovation! In another instance, Nous Homes Automation has developed an infrared contactless thermal scanner that can be mounted on a wall and automatically detect temperature.

Surveillance and Mapping 

The use of geospatial technology, to identify and track hot spots for the Coronavirus and other diseases, has gained traction. This helps identify dense zones and avoid further spread. Transverse technologies, mobile apps such as CorontineCovidWatch, etc. have emerged with effective tools to track Corona.

New tech, innovations and ideas unfolding with each passing day, showcasing the genius of humankind in tackling adverse situations with their knowledge, creativity, and imagination.

About Zenesis

Zenesis Corporation is a 12-year old led bespoke management solutions provider Our key areas of focus are Brands,Operations,Employees Results OCE. We tackle each of these areas using our consulting model of Review-Analyze-Develop-Execute-Monitor (RADEM) to delve deep into the organization and drive brand enhancement, business efficiency, profitability, employee engagement, and customer happiness.

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